Thursday, February 5, 2009

The real deal; two truths, one lie.

So, it’s time to say what’s true and what’s false.
First, I must confess that I’m really disappointed that not very many of you can vouch for ability to stay celibate abi what’s the word again???

No. 1 is a lie, I don’t have three blogs…they’re actually four. Tricky.

No. 2 is true, sometimes I have fantasies of ménage a trois or ménage a cinq (lol), and I certainly don’t want all four others to be men…variety is the spice of life. In my fantasies!!! FineboyAgbero, exschoolnerd etc, don’t start getting any crazy ideas.

No.3 is so true, I haven't gotten some in a long while, I plan to do something about it ASAP, that’s why I’m updating o, so it doesn’t turn into two lies and one truth. He he he.

That aside, I’ll like to make a toast to Chari and Buttercup!!! For seeing what was there all along!!!

I’ll be back soon…


Sisem E. Naidem said...

Come get some baby!!!!
PS: Long time no comment... for me that is...

bumight said...

fba and exschoolnerd are in ur fantasies? wow! lol!

4 blogs? with diff names? im going to investigate!

Jinta said...

ménage a dix? lol

poeticallytinted said...


exschoolnerd said...

woomie oooooooooo!!!! u hv finally wonder u use to cut eye for i no do o!

The Activist said...

Very tricky indeed. I vex!


and i thought i was the only one with too many blogs, lol!

Sisem E. Naidem said...

*whisper mode* Beybey, you know I can keep a secret, don't you? So are you Afrobabe, Vera, LG or even AlooFar for that matter?

Woomie O! said...

@ Naughty Eyes; haven't you noticed? I'm too much for one man. Gather ur friends and re-apply.

@ Bumight; you might need the CIA and the FBI as well.

@ Jinta; not a bad idea at all, come over...with your friends and rubber suits. he he he.

@ PtInTeD; say something.

@ Exschoolnerd; don't flatter yourself puh-lease!

@ Standtall; if you give me an interview, I will un-vex you.

@ SSd; I literally feel your pain.


Afrobabe said...

with Fba and exschool my...very graphic dreams...

Jinta said...

sorry woomie, has to be your friends. cant imagine my bum being exposed with other men in the same room

Sisem E. Naidem said...

Can you believe your comment moderation just told me to type in the word "SPERM"??!!!!