I am this CLOSE to cyber-murder you know. Why didn't you give me advance notice? For once I forgot to save your pages abi? Never again!!! PS: At last we get to see our President's handwriting!
Oh, pele too oh! My dear it's not that I'm heartless, just half blind... PS: What does "guncipat" mean? Your word verification spelt that out and I just thought we should invent the meaning of the word. Or what do you think?
Nigerian...Teen...Student...fun loving...in love with Music(FYI, 'Music' is not a person)...and with books...and with life.
and wondering what i'm doing here...
There comes a time when every life goes off-course, in this desperate moment, you must choose your direction, will you fight to stay on the path? Will others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be haunted by your choice? Or embrace your new path?
Each morning, will you choose to move forward?...or simply give up?
Shakespare said, ' There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound up in sorrows and miseries.'
...On such a full sea, I am now afloat
and i must take the current when it serves or lose my ventures.
It's my time...NOW.
nawa o..i see u have joined archwiz with the writing...
pele dear...hope u feel better soon...and we are here for u...
I am this CLOSE to cyber-murder you know. Why didn't you give me advance notice? For once I forgot to save your pages abi? Never again!!!
PS: At last we get to see our President's handwriting!
Oh, pele too oh! My dear it's not that I'm heartless, just half blind...
PS: What does "guncipat" mean? Your word verification spelt that out and I just thought we should invent the meaning of the word. Or what do you think?
Awww...hope you're feeling better now!
We're here for you too
Aww sweetie..i hope u r ok now??
btw u'v got a lovely handwriting
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